What Different Ways to Regenerate Liver Naturally in Liver Cancer Patients?

The liver is one of the organs that can be more easily affected by bad lifestyle habits. For example, a poor diet or excessive alcoholic beverages cause liver damage as well known as cirrhosis, which sometimes becomes chronic and irreversible. It is for this reason that many people wonder if it is possible to regenerate this organ naturally, through home remedies or other products. The truth is that improving its condition is possible. Still, each case must be studied individually to assess the existing damage and determine to what extent it is reversible or not.

Does the liver regenerate?

Yes, the liver is capable of regenerating itself, being the only organ that has this extraordinary capacity. When damage occurs, the liver initiates a process by which it renews the damaged tissue, replacing it with a new, completely healthy one. This process is mainly composed of three phases or stages that allow the liver to regenerate:

  • In the first phase, the cells in this organ known as hepatocytes are activated, starting the process.
  • Next, the hepatocytes replace the damaged tissues with new ones using new cells.
  • Finally, once all the tissue has been replaced and the organ recovers liver function, the regeneration process stops.

However, while the liver can regenerate, this will largely depend on the severity of the damage. Thus, in some cases in which the organ is in inferior condition, there may be the possibility that it has lost the ability to regenerate.

Diseases that cause liver damage

Several existing liver diseases can cause damage to this organ. However, depending on factors such as age, the type of disease and the time it has affected us, the ability to regenerate may have also been affected. Here are the most common types of liver disease :

Liver damage from bad habits

This group includes liver damage such as cirrhosis or fatty liver, conditions caused mainly by the abuse of alcohol, drugs, medications or an inadequate diet carried out for a long time. In these cases, the organ progressively loses its normal functions, triggering symptoms.

Liver damaged by hepatitis

Hepatitis A, B and C are diseases caused by viruses, each of which is transmitted differently: through water and food, sexual transmission and blood. However, the three share symptoms, among which are liver damage.

Liver cancer

It can appear as a consequence of any of the previous diseases or appear without an apparent cause. However, in any of the cases, early detection is essential to increase the chances of cure since if it is in a very advanced state, its regeneration can be practically impossible. In this article, you can learn more about liver cancer, including its types, symptoms, and treatment.

How to regenerate the liver with home remedies

Some natural products can help regenerate the liver naturally when it is not seriously damaged. However, we should consult a hepatologist to treat the disease most effectively since these remedies may not be enough for some patients.

These are some of the home remedies that you can use to help regenerate the liver:

Desmodium adscendens

Have you never heard of this medicinal plant? Desmodium can regulate the levels of liver enzymes and help the regeneration process. In addition, it provides other components such as flavonoids or alkaloids that are very beneficial for liver health. Some studies show that the consumption of this plant could have a positive influence on mild liver diseases and even more severe liver damage. Mainly this beneficial effect is due to its purifying capacity to eliminate toxins, in addition to protecting and repairing liver cells.

To use this natural remedy to regenerate the liver, you can go to the nearest herbalist or shop and buy a few grams. You can get the plant dried or find it in capsules or tincture. Boil about 6 grams of the plant daily with water and spread your intake over 4 to 8 weeks.

milk thistle

This medicinal plant improves liver function due to its silymarin content. A compound used to treat different liver diseases, as well as having hepatoprotective properties that prevent liver degeneration. Consuming milk thistle will stimulate the growth of new tissues and inhibit harmful toxins.

Silymarin is found in the milk thistle seeds, so we must prepare an infusion based on this plant daily for a few weeks.


It is perhaps one of the best-known and most used medicinal plants since we can even find it in our gardens. The vital part of the dandelion is located in the root, where a series of properties are concentrated that help detoxify the liver, such as diuretics and depuratives, as well as healing, hepatoprotective and tonic properties.

We can find it in the form of capsules or powder, and to prepare an infusion, we have to follow the usual steps.

Burdock root

This natural remedy to regenerate the liver naturally is found in Europe and Asia. Among its best-known properties are its purifying effects that help cleanse the blood and eliminate toxins from organs such as the liver. Likewise, it is also beneficial to take care of the digestive system, improving the swallowing of food and relieving stomach problems. Prepare an infusion with a small spoonful of burdock root, let stand and drink before it cools.


Another natural product that helps us take care of liver health. Peppermint stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder, relaxes the muscles, relieves the discomfort caused by colic, and improves stomach health.

To obtain its benefits, prepare an infusion with mint plants and consume it for a few weeks.

Good foods to regenerate the liver

Although these foods do not fully contribute to repairing damaged liver tissue, they are very optimistic when it comes to purifying it, detoxifying it and improving its functions.

Turmeric. This spice has components such as eugenol or borneol, which are very powerful when it comes to detoxifying and purifying the liver in the case of suffering from diseases such as cirrhosis or fatty liver. The good thing about turmeric is that we can buy it in powder form and easily add it to our meals.

Olive oil. One of the most valued products of Mediterranean cuisine, but also very beneficial to take care of our liver health. Moderate consumption of this golden liquid combats oxidative damage to liver tissues and helps combat the effects of toxins that accumulate in the body.

Garlic. It is undoubtedly one of the star foods for treating or preventing health problems. Its antibiotic solid and antioxidant effects have given it one of the best positions in natural medicine for centuries. This tuber stimulates the enzymes responsible for eliminating toxins that damage the liver thanks to its allicin and selenium content. It is recommended to consume a clove of raw garlic, preferably on an empty stomach in the morning.

Grapefruit. A fruit with a high content of antioxidants and vitamin C, two ingredients that help purify the liver naturally and makes this fruit an excellent liver detoxifier.

In addition to including these products in our diet, we must also be aware of which foods are bad for the liver, which can increase the number of toxins and harm liver function.

Other tips for regenerating the liver naturally.

The first thing we must do when we want to regenerate the liver is to detect the cause of the damage and try to eradicate it. On many occasions, the problem is bad habits in the day-to-day, which in the long term produce damage to this organ. For this reason, it is convenient to be clear about the following aspects to help the regeneration process be carried out thoroughly:

Eliminate alcohol. Many people wonder how to regenerate the liver damaged by alcohol since it is one of the leading causes of liver diseases. This is mainly because most of this drink passes into the bloodstream and is subsequently processed by the liver, which has to make an extra effort to metabolise it. In the long term, this can cause injuries that increasingly damage this organ.

Control your salt intake. Excess salt is terrible for different aspects of our health, such as cholesterol. In the case of the liver, an excess of sodium damages the cells in this organ and can lead to liver fibrosis. For this reason, it is essential to control the consumption of foods with high salt content, such as processed meats.

Drink lots of water. The large intake of liquids such as water or juices helps to purify the body and prevents the accumulation of toxins that are harmful to the body. Also, the body needs water for all its organs to function correctly.

Eat fruit. This type of food is affluent in water, and, as we indicated in the previous point, it is an essential element in maintaining liver health. Also, the fruit contains acids that reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, so it does not have to be processed by the liver. In this article, we teach you how to prepare juices to cleanse the liver.